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GCE Accounts

To create your GCE account:go to https://accounts.cels.anl.gov and log in with your Argonne credentials. After you have logged in, you will need to request the GCE project to access GCE computing resources. This allows you to log in to your GCE workstation and SSH to compute nodes and public-facing login servers. You request it under the Join Project tab on the left side of your account management page. Projects normally have to be approved by the owner or a delegate, but the GCE project is automatically approved upon request.  Please note it must be through Join Project and not through Join Unix Group.

If you do not have an Argonne account, the link to apply for an Argonne Collaborator account is at https://apps.anl.gov/registration/collaborators. You will need to use the official Argonne e-mail address of your Argonne sponsor. If you don’t know it, you can contact your sponsor directly and ask. If there’s some reason that doesn’t work, let us know at [email protected] and we’ll figure it out with you.  Argonne Collaborator accounts are annual and can be renewed by the sponsor each year.  After you have the account, continue below.

Note to sponsors:  If you are expecting to see a collaborator account but have not seen anything, check https://apps.inside.anl.gov/cgp/list_pending to see if you have accounts waiting.

If you are transitioning from an Argonne appointment to external collaborator, after your appointment ends, follow the directions above to get a collaborator account.  If possible, use the same username but with the “ac.” prefix. If you would like to transition your GCE account to this login, fill out the Returning Users Reactivation form: https://help.cels.anl.gov/virtual-help-desk-requests/returning-user-reactivation-request/ and we’ll get you set up.  You cannot apply for the collaborator account while your Argonne appointment is current.

If your collaborator account has expired, log in to Argonne Collaborator Registration page and follow the instructions. You can technically select a different username at the time of re-registration, but please make sure to use the existing username in order to access your previous account data.

Step by step instructions, until you complete these steps, you cannot access GCE:

  • Visit https://accounts.cels.anl.gov and login using your Argonne account
  • In the left menu, select Join Project (not Join Unix Group)
  • In the search box, start typing “GCE” and it will show the matching entries.  Select GCE.
  • Congratulations, you are now enabled for GCE!
